Catholic Social Teaching

A Resource for Social Justice & Service Reflections

Understanding justice as integrally connected to our lives of faith is foundational to LMU Campus Ministry's work for social justice and peace. We seek to integrate social justice and service in our lives through prayer, the participation in the sacraments, dialogue, and intentional theological reflection rooted in social analysis, the scriptures, and Catholic Social Teaching. Our ongoing commitment to acts of service and a life-style of loving solidarity with the poor and for others are central to our world view and our communal living out of our faith.

Some of the Basic Foundations of Catholic Social Teaching

The Life & Dignity

  1. Dignity of Every Human Person & the Right to Life (from Conception to Natural Death)
  2. Dignity of Work and Rights of Workers

Rights & Our Responsibilities

  1. Balancing fundamental human rights and our corresponding responsibilities (i.e. religious freedom)
  2. Option for the Poor and Vulnerable
  3. Care for God's Creation

Common Good & Public Order

  1. Solidarity
  2. Call to Family, Community, and Participation
    1. Civil Society and State Structures for full human growth and development
    2. Principle of Subsidiary and the Process of Socialization
    3. Voluntary Associations

Modern Catholic social teaching is a rich treasure of wisdom about building a just society and living lives of faithfulness and holiness amidst the challenges of modern society. The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops department for Justice, Peace and Human Development offers brief reflections, and highlights several of the key themes that are at the heart of our Catholic social tradition.