University Liturgical Ministries

Liturgy comes from the Greek word leitourgia meaning "the work of the people," and, it is quite literally the work of the students, faculty, staff and members of the greater university community that makes worship at Loyola Marymount so meaningful.

Each ministry shares in the worshiping experience here at LMU. Individual ministries are coordinated by student leaders, who dedicate time to training and scheduling members of the university faith community as ministers of the Mass and other Catholic liturgies. Education and leadership formation are at the forefront of our efforts. By involving students in every aspect of liturgical ministry, we have created an opportunity for them to understand and shape the sacred liturgies of the Church. All university liturgies, from daily masses to the Commencement Mass, are student-coordinated, under the direction of the Liturgy & Music staff. It is our wish that these experiences will attribute to the formation of our students as lay leaders in their home parishes and in the greater Church. 

We welcome all of the university community who wish to participate in these ministries and serve at LMU liturgies!

If you are interested in joining our Liturgical Ministry team, please contact Campus Minister, Jonas Bognar at (310)338-7534 or

Acolytes (Altar Servers)

Liturgical Ministries - Acolytes

Formerly a minor order in the Catholic Church, today any lay man or woman can serve as an altar server. Servers assist with both the sacred mysteries of the Mass and their preparation and clean up. Servers assist the Sacristan whenever possible, while anticipating the needs of each presider and liturgical element. Servers are called upon to serve on Sundays, Holy Days, and special feasts periodically throughout the school year. Most of LMU's acolytes have recently discovered the joy that comes through the service of community in the Mass. No previous experience is necessary.

Click here if you're interested in serving as an Acolyte.


Ministers of hospitality serve by welcoming and ushering members of the community during liturgies. Members of the Belles, Crimson Circle, Gryphon Circle, Ignatians, Sursum Corda, Magis, Marians, and Creare service organizations serve as ministers of hospitality on a regular basis.

Please contact the Center for Service & Action at (310)-338-2959 or for more information.

Read more about LMU Service Organizations.

Music Ministry

Music and liturgy are inseparable. For generations, the Church has lifted its voice in song—crying out in praise, lament, and thanksgiving before God. At Loyola Marymount University, our music ministers play a vital role in inspiring the sung prayer of the assembly, creating a space where all can encounter the divine through music.

Our liturgical music ensembles draw on the rich diversity of the Church’s tradition, blending ancient chants and hymns, global music, Taizé prayer, and contemporary liturgical compositions. Whether you love to sing, play an instrument, or lead as a cantor, there is a place for you in our ministry.


  • Wednesdays at 5pm & Sundays at 7pm – Our primary student ensemble gathers to prepare for Mass and other campus liturgies.
  • Additional opportunities exist for instrumentalists, cantors, and special events throughout the university's liturgical life.

Whether you're a seasoned musician or just discovering your passion for liturgical music, we invite you to share your gifts and become part of a joyful, welcoming, and prayerful community. Come be a part of something bigger—where faith and music come alive together.

Interested? We’d love to hear from you – please email our Campus Minister for Music and Liturgy, Dónal Noonan at

Reach out today and let’s make music together.


The sacristans maintain a decades-old tradition as the caretakers of the university chapels. Along with the Coordinator of Liturgy and Worship, they oversee the day-to-day operations of the chapels and work to meet the liturgical needs of the university community. The service of the sacristan includes preparing all liturgies celebrated at LMU, serving as acolytes and extraordinary ministers when needed, ringing the bells of the clock tower, maintaining all liturgical vessels and vestments, and much more. The student sacristans also dedicate themselves to studying their ministry and the basics of Catholic liturgy.

Click here if you're interested in serving as a Sacristan.


As a lector, you have the task of making God present in the liturgy of the Word for our community. All lectors read at all university liturgies, as well as at several major Archdiocesan liturgies. We train each lector individually and all are welcome to participate in this wonderful ministry.

Click here if you're interested in serving as a Lector.





Eucharistic Ministry

Liturgical Ministries - Eucharistic Ministry

Extraordinary ministers of the Eucharist assist the priest in the distribution of Holy Communion to the faithful. All Catholics are welcome to participate as E.M.s and no prior experience is required.

Click here if you're interested in serving as a Eucharistic Minister.