R.C.I.A. and Confirmation sessions begin in late September/early October every Fall semester.
For more information, please contact Father John Galvan, S.J. at john.galvan@lmu.edu.
Christian Initiation (R.C.I.A.)

Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Confirmation, and the Eucharist) are events on each person's journey of faith within the community of the Church. This means they are not automatically connected to a grade or age, but are a natural step on the path of faith development.
The sacraments of initiation are conferred upon members of the university community (faculty, staff and students) through R.C.I.A. (the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) and Confirmation programs in the Office of Campus Ministry. Sacramental Preparation gives special attention to the preparation of those about to celebrate a sacrament of initiation for the first time. Aspects of preparation typically involve getting to know the people of a local faith community, becoming active in the service life of a parish and attending catechetical sessions on Sundays, where parishioners share their faith with the participants. During this time, the family grows in faith and love of God. The length of the process varies according to the individual.
For Catholics that have received the Sacraments of Baptism and Eucharist, and are participating in the faith life of their parish community, we offer the opportunity to prepare and celebrate the Sacrament of Confirmation by participating in Loyola Marymount's Confirmation program. These evening sessions provide a review of the most important elements of our Catholic faith, as well as an opportunity to participate in small faith sharing groups led by your peers. The Confirmation process begins in the fall and concludes with receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation during the spring semester.
Testimonies from the newly Confirmed (2023)
A Confirmation program is offered for Catholic LMU students who have been baptized and received First Holy Communion and now wish to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation.
This confirmation program includes weekly sessions and a one-day retreat as well as a celebration of the Rite of Confirmation in the Spring semester.
Weekly evening sessions are designed to review the important elements of Catholic faith. Together we journey, strengthen and broaden our knowledge and relationship with God.