Liturgy & Sacraments

Campus Ministry wishes to support the full, conscious, and active participation of all members of the community in our liturgical worship.

We regularly bring together the University community to celebrate the traditional rites of the Catholic Church.

Education and leadership formation are at the forefront of our efforts. By involving students in every aspect of liturgical ministry, we have created an opportunity for them to understand and shape the liturgies of the Church. All university liturgies, from the daily masses to the Commencement Mass, are student coordinated, under the direction of the Liturgy and Music staff. It is our wish that these experiences will contribute to the formation of our students as lay leaders in their home parishes, and in the larger Church.

University Liturgical Ministries

There are currently eight liturgical ministries organized by students and staff: altar servers (acolytes), Eucharistic ministers, hospitality, lectors, music ministers, and sacristans. Each ministry contributes to the worship experience here at LMU.

Click here if you're interested in joining Music Ministry.

Sacred Spaces: LMU Places of Peace

From the Spanish Gothic Chapel of the Sacred Heart to architect Frank Gehry's post-modern Chapel of the Advocate, the university boasts some of the most beautiful and engaging worship spaces in all of Los Angeles.