a picture of The Sacred Heart Chapel illuminated with media from Anima Mundi: an ACTI Live Event

Academy of Catholic Thought and Imagination

The Academy of Catholic Thought and Imagination at Loyola Marymount University is a community of scholars who work in dialogue with the Catholic intellectual tradition by developing, critically examining, communicating, or otherwise engaging the rich resources of Catholic thought and imagination, especially as it is informed by Jesuit and Ignatian vision. The Academy serves as a hub for scholarship, interdisciplinary research, innovative pedagogy, and creative outreach across LMU’s campus in the southwest United States and beyond.

ACTI in the LMU Community

Anima Mundi

Anima Mundi: The Soul of the World was a live performance over three nights in early December 2023. The show included a recorded soundtrack, a live choir, and an animated film. This collaborative artistic experience utilized 2D animation, 3D printing, and high-definition video mapping projection. José García Moreno wrote, designed, and directed the film. Timothy Law Snyder composed music for the project, and John Flaherty arranged and directed the music. 

Advocate Podcast

Advocate is a podcast series telling stories with sound about prominent faculty, staff, and students at LMU. This show opens doors to understanding diverse faiths, races, and ideologies. We seek those who are overlooked or considered less traditional. The aim of our show is to cherish our history and simultaneously share vibrant experiences within our campus-wide community and beyond.

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Two public officials seated next to each other discussing Environmental Reparations

Laudato Si' Spotlight

Recent coverage of environmental activism as it relates to reparations and justice, which includes residents of the African continent.

an ominous image of a bridge at night with trees foregrounded

Friends of ACTI Events

In Ghosts of Segregation, photographer Richard Frishman explores the lingering presence of segregation, slavery and institutional racism hidden in everyday American architecture.

Visit the Film Website

Wildwood is an upcoming stop-motion animated dark fantasy and sixth feature film produced by American animators Laika.

Landscape image with mountains in the far distance. Islamic Crescent, Star of David, and Christian Cross are foregrounded

Featured Mission and Ministry Event

Join the Center for Religion and Spirituality for their event, redefining gender roles in faith-based communities and unpacking the dangers of ignoring women.

ACTI's Environmental Alliance

Loyola Marymount University has signed on to the Laudato Si' Action Platform, a global initiative inspired by Pope Francis' encyclical On Care of Our Common Home (Laudato Si') that will guide our journey to ecological renewal by 2030.

Laudato Si' Action Platform

Laudato Si' Document