Schedule of Events
Events are being added all the time! Check back for more details soon!
Ignatian Heritage Month Kickoff with Resident Ministry
Friday, November 1
Ready to set the world on fire? Grab an exclusive tote bag and learn about Ignatius and the month celebrating all things Ignatian!
Sunday, Nov. 3 | 10:00 am and 8:00 pm in Sacred Heart Chapel; 9:30 pm in Leavey Chapel
Pray with the LMU community and learn about the Ignatian tradition and the Jesuits - visit the table in front of SHC after each liturgy.
Open House and Meet & Greet with the Jesuits
Sunday, November 3 | 9:00 - 10:30 pm | LMU Jesuit Community
Ever wondered who lives in the Jesuit Community? Join us after mass to meet the Jesuits, grab some pizza, and get a tour of the Community!
Ignatian Heritage Information Table (Loyola Law School)
Monday, Nov. 4 | 12:00 - 1:00 pm and 5:00 - 6:00 pm | Merrifield North (LLS)
LLS Campus Ministry and the Center for Ignatian Spirituality will be at Merrifield North with information, sweet treats, and giveaways in celebration of Ignatian Heritage Month. Please come by and say hello!

Wellness Wednesday with Campus Ministry
Wednesday, Nov. 6 | 11:00 am - 2:30 pm | Alumni Mall
Giveaways and resources for all things Ignatian - come through and say hi to Campus Ministers!
"Global Immigration and the Plight of Refugees: Ignatian Perspectives"
Thursday, Nov. 7 | 12:00 - 1:00 pm | William H. Hannon Library, VDA Family Suite
LMU’s Center for Ignatian Spirituality invites faculty and staff to a lunch and conversation on Thursday, November 7 at 12:00 p.m. with Fr. Tom Smolich, SJ and Prof. Brett Hoover, as they take a thought-provoking look into immigration and the many refugee crises of our world. Fr. Smolich is the former director of the Jesuit Refugee Service, which seeks to accompany, serve, and advocate for refugees and other forcibly displaced people. RSVP required: register here.
Mass and Breakfast Conversation: "Global Immigration and the Situation of Refugees" (Loyola Law School)
Friday, November 8 | 8:00 am - 9:30 am | LLS Chapel of the Advocate and LLS Burns Lounge
The LLS community is invited to communal prayer followed by a conversation about the situation of refugees resulting from climate change, persecution, political, and economic challenges. Featuring Fr. Tom Smolich, S.J. '78 and '92, former director of the Jesuit Refugee Service and current Rector of the Jesuit Community of the Jesuit School of Theology of Santa Clara University, and moderated by Prof. Katherine Trisolini. Registration required by 11/1: RSVP here.

Mass and Reception
Sunday, Nov. 10 | 8:00 – 9:00 PM (Mass) and following | Sacred Heart Chapel
Pray with the LMU community and learn about the Ignatian tradition and the Jesuits - visit the table in front of SHC, then grab a snack courtesy of Resident Ministry.
Jesuit Alumni of LLS Lunch with Charles Jurgensmeier, SJ, LMU ’77 (Loyola Law School)
Monday, Nov. 11 | 12:00 - 1:00 pm | LLS Burns Lounge
LLS community members who are graduates of Jesuit schools (primary, secondary, college/university) are invited to a lunch conversation with Fr. Charles Jurgensmeier, S.J., LMU class of '77 and lecturer in Theology and Sacred Music. Sponsored by LLS Campus Ministry. For more info, contact Wayne.Negrete@lls.edu.
Meet a Jesuit at The Loft
Monday, Nov. 11 | 7:30 - 9:30 pm | The Loft
Ever met a Jesuit? Join some of our on campus Jesuits as we celebrate Ignatian Heritage Month with a social event at the Loft. Must be 21+ and have a Loft Membership; say hello to get (1) free drink ticket! RSVP here.

Wellness Wednesday with the Jesuits
Wednesday, Nov. 13 | 11:00 am – 2:00 pm | Alumni Mall
Donuts with the Sisters
Thursday, Nov. 14 | 12:00 – 3:00 pm | Suite 2000, University Hall
Stop by, grab a donut, and meet the Sisters of St. Joseph of Orange who work at the campus.
Wellness Wednesday with Resident Ministry
Wednesday, Nov. 20 | 11:00 am – 2:00 pm | Alumni Mall
Faculty Service Day in LA: Empowering Vulnerable Communities
Friday, Nov. 15 | 10:00 am - 2:00 pm | Meet on campus (transportation provided)
All faculty are invited to join us for a day of learning, advocacy, and service sponsored by the Center for Mission and Identity. Participants will learn about the realities of South Central Los Angeles today, with particular attention to vulnerable populations and immigrant communities, as well as local organizations' work to support them. We'll also pitch in on a volunteer project to help out the community. Lunch provided! RSVP required: More info and registration here.

IggHouse Rocks: Ignatian Heritage Month
Wednesday, Nov. 20 | 6:00 pm | McKay Lounge
Donuts with the Jesuits
Thursday, November 21 | 7:30 am - 9:00 am | Palm Walk
Need a pick-me-up on the way to class? Grab a donut from members of our LMU Jesuit community.
"Ignatius the God Seeker" Screening, Q&A, and Conversation
Thursday, Nov. 21 | 7:00 pm | Broccoli Theater
Have you ever wondered what moves the Jesuits at their core? This innovative animated documentary about the founder of the Jesuits reveals his inner quest for God, and invites you to become a spiritual seeker yourself. Screening followed by Q&A with filmmaker and Jesuit Visiting Scholar Christof Wolf, S.J., and a reception. RSVP here. Sponsored by the Office for International Students and Scholars and SFTV.
Love, Burn Bright: An Evening Concert with Tony Alonso and Chris de Silva
Thursday, Nov. 21 | 7:00 pm | Sacred Heart Chapel
Please join Tony Alonso and Chris de Silva for an evening of song and prayer in Sacred Heart Chapel. The event is free of charge. Simply register in advance for admission. Everyone welcome! Register here.
Featured Programs

Mission and Ministry
Mission and Ministry promotes engagement with the vibrant spiritual, intellectual, and pedagogical traditions that shape Loyola Marymount University's identity. Mission and Ministry’s offices accompany community members in living out LMU’s distinctive character as a Catholic, Jesuit, and Marymount university.
Campus Ministry
Campus Ministry is a diverse, multi-faith team -- lay, clergy, and Religious -- dedicated to fostering the mission of Loyola Marymount University, especially the service of faith and the promotion of justice. The campus ministers support the many programs and activities that meet the spiritual needs of our students. Campus Ministry provides students a place to Belong, Believe and Become.

Student EXP
The Student EXP assists students in discovering life outside the classroom at Loyola Marymount University. At the core of the Student EXP are five pillars that inspire students to integrate knowledge with action so they become leaders that transform the world.
The Ignatian Way
Ignatian Spirituality
The Ignatian tradition seeks to find God in all things and in all people. Learn more about the Ignatian vision of the world and the human person, and the tools this tradition offers for reflection and discernment. Learn more about Ignatian Spirituality.
Ignatian Pedagogy
The Jesuits are known for excellence in education, and their schools may be found in 55 countries. What is distinctive about a Jesuit education, and what are the characteristics of the Ignatian pedagogical paradigm? Learn more about Ignatian Pedagogy.
Jesuit History

Ignatius of Loyola
Who was St. Ignatius, and what did he do? A brief look at the life of Íñigo López de Loyola, founder of the Society of Jesus.

The Society of Jesus
Otherwise known as "the Jesuits," this order of Catholic priests, brothers, and scholastics is the largest men's religious order in the world. Learn more about the Jesuits and the work they do across the globe.

Universal Apostolic Preferences
Four areas of focus for all Jesuit apostolates, 2019-2029. As members of a worldwide community, what are our common goals?