Tuesday, July 28: All Things Ignatian -- The Examen
One of the most basic and popular practices of Ignatian spirituality is the "Examen." Also called the “Consciousness Examen,” "Awareness Examen," or “Examination of Consciousness” (not to be confused with the “examination of conscience” that may precede the Sacrament of Reconciliation), the Examen is a method of peaceful daily prayer taught by St. Ignatius in the Spiritual Exercises as a way to notice the presence of God in one’s daily life and to live in generous response to it. This exercise can be understood as a spiritual self-review: a practice of centering oneself, recalling a particular period of time and one's experiences and feelings during that time, and discerning best paths forward for the future.
The Examen can be adapted for any length of time and any audience. You can do it on a silent retreat or in the car on your way to the grocery store; every Sunday morning or at the end of each calendar year. But it is most effective as a daily habit of reflection. (In fact, Ignatius recommended that Jesuits practice it twice a day, every day!) Consistent repetition of this simple exercise helps us to identify patterns in our experiences, to distinguish which circumstances and decisions are life-giving and which are not, and to more freely respond to the presence of the sacred in our lives and relationships.
Ready to start praying the Examen? Check out the basic format below, or explore the provided links for more variations and ideas.
More to Explore
The Examen
- More about the Examen, including basic versions and variations for special circumstances
- Printable Examen prayer card for easy reference
- Reimagining the Ignatian Examen: 34 variations on the basic Examen structure with themes like gratitude, specific relationships, and surprises. Available via print, ebook, or free app.
- Customized variations: Want to learn more about the Examen or develop a specific variation to use with your class, team, committee, or department? Contact Kat Brown at Katherine.Brown@lmu.edu to collaborate.
More about Ignatian Spirituality
- Ignatian Spirituality reference page
- More prayers from the Ignatian tradition
- Glossary of Ignatian terms
- Center for Ignatian Spirituality - offering Ignatian spiritual accompaniment to the LMU community
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Think you're an expert on all things Ignatian, or wondering where to brush up? Take this simple 12-question quiz from IgnatianSpirituality.com. Then explore more resource on our Ignatian Way section, or keep an eye out for more emails this week about All Things Ignatian!