DEI+A and Our Mission
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Anti-Racism and Our Mission

Our university community, like our society in general, finds itself at an important inflection point as we confront the overlapping and often overwhelming challenges of systemic racism, global health challenges, economic disparities, and political turmoil. In responding to these crises, we have an opportunity to propose real transformational change to our institutions, our attitudes, and our behaviors, change that can inch us closer to realizing our civic aspirations to form a more perfect union grounded in justice and to answering Jesus’ call in the Gospels to lay the foundations for the Kingdom of God in this world.
The work of diversity, equity, inclusion, and anti-racism is neither tangential to our institutional mission nor in tension with it, but deeply rooted in our Catholic, Jesuit, Marymount, and CSJ identity. Our tradition affirms the inalienable human dignity of every human person, “all equally made in the image of God.”1 It calls us to work concretely toward justice for our neighbor as an “absolute requirement” of faith,2 and reminds us that true justice entails a world in which “we are in right relationship with God, with one another, and with the rest of God's creation.”3 We are called to hold a preferential option for the poor and vulnerable4 and to stand alongside the marginalized of our communities and affirm their belovedness as children of God.

This call also follows the example of our founding sponsors. The Society of Jesus, the Religious of the Sacred Heart of Mary, and the Sisters of St. Joseph of Orange each have long histories of observing the needs and sufferings of those around them; taking concrete action to address their spiritual, physical, mental, and social well-being; and advocating for more just and equitable structures to benefit all God’s children. As a Catholic university, we also recognize the specific role we play as an institution that educates and forms persons for and with others. In particular, we take to heart the words of martyred Jesuit and academic Fr. Ignacio Ellacuría, who challenged the Catholic university to "transform and enlighten the society in which it lives . . . so that liberty is victorious over oppression, justice over injustice, love over hate.”5
In fidelity to our Catholic identity and the Jesuit, Ignatian, Marymount tradition of which we are both heirs and co-creators, all LMU community members are urged to take part in making our university and our world more just, equitable, inclusive, and anti-racist. Mission and Ministry seeks to be a leader in this work, both in our internal functions and through our collaboration and support of partners across the university.
Resources for Racial Justice

Resources from the Catholic, Jesuit, Marymount, and CSJ traditions on working for justice and anti-racism
DEI in Mission & Ministry

Mission and Ministry's internal systemic analysis and DEI work
Service & Justice in Campus Ministry

Opportunities to work for greater justice and equity through Campus Ministry at LMU
Interfaith Resources

Resources to accompany LMU community members of all faith backgrounds