Prayers for the LMU Community on the Solemnity of St. Joseph, Husband of Mary
On this beautiful feast of the patron of the universal church, we Sisters of St. Joseph assure you all of our heartfelt prayers. May St. Joseph, who so cared for Mary and Jesus, watch over and protect you and all those you love.
Through the faithful intercession of St. Joseph, let us join together, as a community of Lions, to pray for one another and for those most severely impacted by the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic:
Dear God,
in this time of uncertainty and fear,
help us be love, mercy, and peace for ourselves and for others
as we face coronavirus in the Unites States and around the world.
Help us hold close in our hearts those who have died,
and their loved ones who mourn them.
Those who are sick or are trying to seek medical care.
Those who don’t have paid sick leave, benefits, or job security.
Those whose schools have closed and don’t have access to food, safe homes, or technology.
Those who can’t travel to be with loved ones who are ill or dying.
Those who are facing discrimination and harassment because of their ethnicity.
Those who are struggling with loneliness during this time of social isolation.
Those who are frightened and losing hope.
Help us find joy, however small it seems.
Help us remain hopeful.
Help us remember that “All shall be well,
for there is a force of love moving through the universe
that holds us fast and will never let us go.”
Prayer composed by Meg Olson, Family of Joseph