"Ignatius writes his Spiritual Exercises at Manresa," Carlos Saenz de Tejada (1958)
Manresa Moments
The Spanish city of Manresa is a highly significant location in the life of St. Ignatius of Loyola. The eleven months he spent in Manresa were a time of profound spiritual enlightenment and were pivotal in his life's journey. Among the most important sites in Manresa is the cave where Ignatius withdrew from the crowds of the city to pray, reflect, and discern the best path forward. There, he received many of the key spiritual insights that form the basis for the Spiritual Exercises and all Ignatian spirituality.
Like St. Ignatius in the cave at Manresa, we find ourselves physically distant from one another and facing uncertainty about what our lives will look like in the coming weeks, months, and years. However, our current moment also offers us boundless opportunities to build community in creative ways, to discover new (and sometimes very old) forms of praying and reflecting, and to find grace and gratitude in our daily lives. We trust this time of physical separation will give birth to new insights and inspiration.
We invite you to sign up for our new email series, Manresa Moments. On a weekly basis, we’ll send you spiritual inspiration – from reflections and prayers to discernment practices and mindfulness exercises, written and curated by LMU community members and inspired by the charisms of the Jesuits, the Religious of the Sacred Heart of Mary, and the Sisters of Saint Joseph of Orange – designed to accompany you on your journey. You can sign up or opt out any time, and all materials will be available on this website for easy reference and sharing. If you have any questions, feedback, or submissions, please contact Kat Brown, Director of Mission and Identity Programs, at Katherine.Brown@lmu.edu.