For the complete symposium program, click here.
For the schedule of events, click here.
Tuesday, January 24, 2017
Trafficking 101
An introduction to human trafficking trends and cases nationwide, along with a brief survey of federal and California laws meant to combat trafficking. Presentation by Terry Coonan, Executive Director of Florida State University Center for the Advancement of Human Rights and Associate Professor of Criminology at Florida State University.
TRAFFICKCAM: Stakeholders Collaborating to End Sex Trafficking
All stakeholders need to join together to fight the atrocity of commercial sexual exploitation. Discover how you as an individual and as a business person have the ability to bring this issue to light and join us in the fight. Presentation by Kimberly Ritter, Senior Account Manager for NIX Conference and Meeting Management.
Roads to Advocacy
This panel is focused on different groups currently working on this issue “on the ground.” Representatives from a variety of groups working on this issue to give an overview. Panelists: Stephanie Molen, Director of Partnerships at CAST (Coalition to Abolish Slavery and Trafficking); and a trafficking survivor. Moderator: Jessica Viramontes from the Center for Service and Action.
Voices of Justice Reception and Performances
LMU students will perform the dramatized narratives from CAST (Coalition to Abolish Slavery and Trafficking) participants.
Wednesday, January 25, 2017
Human Trafficking: It’s Everybody’s Business
This panel will explore the legal and ethical issues of human trafficking in legitimate businesses. Combating the atrocities of human trafficking in restaurants, hotels, and companies’ supply chains will be discussed by the panel. Panelists: Brenda Wells, Founder and President of i-5 Freedom Network and Corporate Trainer with Dale Carnegie and Associates; Todd Forester, GM of the Holiday Inn San Clemente and Vice President of i-5 Freedom Network; and Anthony Seferian, Deputy Attorney General, State of California Department of Justice.
Moderator: Lawrence Kalbers, R. Chad Dreier Chair in Accounting, Loyola Marymount University.
Legal and Law Enforcement Panel
This panel will explore criminal law prosecution and civil rights litigation, as well as advocacy efforts to influence laws and policies.
Panelists: Detective Teague from LAPD; Nicole Gon Ochi from Asian Americans Advancing Justice; Angelique Bradley from CAST; and Beth Jacobs, a trafficking survivor. Moderator: Kathleen Kim, Professor of Law Loyola Law School.
Religion, Trafficking and Asia
This panel examines the religious, theological and ethical dimensions of human trafficking in the context Asia and Asian America.
Panelists: Sr. Maria Lai, CSJ, from Campus Ministry; Karen Enriquez, Assistant Professor, Theological Studies and Jonathan Rothchild, Associate Professor, Theological Studies. Moderator: Tracy Tiemeier, Associate Professor, Theological Studies.
Partnering with Law Enforcement
This panel focuses on the coordination of efforts between law enforcement and other agencies working to identify, rescue and help trafficking victims.
Panelists: Lt. Kent Wegener from Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Office; a Social Worker from CAST; and a trafficking survivor. Moderator: Liza Taylor, Visiting Assistant Professor, Political Science.
Thursday, January 26, 2017
Under Our Noses / What to Look For
Who are the victims of human trafficking? Who are the traffickers? Trafficking can take place anywhere from escort services, massage parlors, domestic labor, restaurants, door-to-door sales to factory work. How are victims recruited or coerced into slavery?
Panelists: Corrine St. Thomas-Stowers from Orange County District Attorney’s Office; Tina Paulson from the Association for the Recovery of Children; and a trafficking survivor. Moderator: Christine Cervenak, Associate Director, Center for Civil and Human Rights and Concurrent Assistant Professor of Law University of Notre Dame.
Preventing Abuse
In a world where moral absolutes are being erased, where human dignity is being redefined and the emphasis on caring for those who are trafficked and exploited fading into the shadows we must not only ask ourselves why this is happening but also what is the one thing that consumes society to such a point that the very psychological profile of a person who normally would not turn a blind eye to trafficking is altered to do exactly that.
Presentation by Bazzel Baz from the Association for the Recovery of Children. Moderator: Jennifer Ramos, Associate Professor, Political Science.
Vulnerable Populations
This workshop will address the different populations who are at risk of becoming victims of sex and labor trafficking. Immigrants are not the only ones at risk, vulnerable U.S. citizens are also a prime target to traffickers.
Panelists: Terry Coonan from Florida State University Center for the Advancement of Human Rights; Christine Cervenak, Associate Director, Center for Civil and Human Rights and Concurrent Assistant Professor of Law University of Notre Dame, and a representative from Covenant House. Moderator: Maria Elena Perales from the Justice Office of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Orange.
What Can University Communities and Religious Congregations Do?
Discussion of promising practices on the part of university communities and Catholic religious congregations to combat trafficking and assist survivors.
Presentation by Terry Coonan from Florida State University and Christine Cervenak, Associate Director at the Center for Civil and Human Rights at Notre Dame Law School.
Short Film Presentation
Fr. Charles Vijay Kumar will be showcasing his three short films on human trafficking: Human Sex Trafficking in California, What Parents Need to Know About Human Trafficking and Faith Community Against Human Trafficking. Moderator: Fr. Allan Deck, S.J., Distinguished Scholar, Theological Studies.