The CSJ Center for Reconciliation and Justice offers a forum for dialogue, a place of education, and a resource for reflective action to promote unity among all persons and with God. The CSJ Center gives tangible witness to the presence and tradition of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Orange at Loyola Marymount University, and in a wounded world in need of compassion and healing.
The CSJ Center fulfills this mission by developing opportunities and providing resources for faculty, staff and students, to reflect, collaborate, and act on issues of justice pertinent to their particular fields of study and scholarship.
Sisters of St. Joseph of Orange
The Sisters of St. Joseph of Orange, abbreviated CSJ, were established in 1912 by Mother Bernard Gosselin. Their ministries include healthcare, education, retreat ministry, spiritual direction and pastoral ministry. With the Society of Jesus (Jesuits) and the Religious of the Sacred Heart of Mary, the Sisters are one of the founding and sponsoring religious orders of Loyola Marymount University. Learn more »

Judith Royer, CSJ

MaryAnne Huepper, CSJ
Associate Director

Michael McNaught
Assistant Director of Operations and Programming

Maria Lingbanan
Rains Research Assistant

Conner Wilson
Graduate Research Assistant
Advisory Committee
This committee of colleagues from Loyola Marymount University and the Sisters of St. Joseph of Orange counsels and collaborates with the team in the work of the CSJ Center. We are grateful for their time and dedication.
Doris Baizley
Senior Lecturer in Theatre Arts
College of Communication and Fine Arts
Arnab Banerji
Associate Professor of Theatre Arts and Director of University Core
College of Communications and Fine Arts
Kat Brown
Director of Mission and Identity Programs
Marlene Canter
Chair, Board of Directors
Academy of Jewish Religion of California
Emelyn dela Peña
Vice President for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Antonio Felix
Associate Dean of Student Services
School of Education
John Flaherty
Special Assistant to the Vice President for Mission and Ministry
Cecilia Gonzalez-Andrieu
Professor of Theological Studies
Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts
Kim Harris
Associate Professor of Theological Studies
Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts
Robert Hurteau
Center for Religion and Spirituality
Layla Karst
Associate Professor and Graduate Director of Theological Studies
Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts
Cecilia Magladry, C.S.J.
Council Liason
Sisters of St. Joseph of Orange
Carla Marcantonio
Associate Professor of Film, Television and Media Studies and Associate Dean of Academic and Faculty Affairs
School of Film and Television
Nicole Murph
Reference and Instruction Librarian
William H. Hannon Library
Yadira Napior
Assistant Director for Student Engagement
Pam Rector Center for Service and Action
Maria Elena Perales
Director, St. Joseph Justice Center
Sisters of St. Joseph of Orange
Nenad Pervan
Clinical Assistant Professor of Theatre Arts
College of Communication and Fine Arts
Marc Reeves, S.J.
Associate Vice President for Mission and Ministry
Rochelle Robins
Vice President and Academic Dean of the Chaplaincy and Rabbinical Schools
Academy of Jewish Religion of California
Eric Strauss
President's Professor of Biology and Executive Director, Center for Urban Resilience
Frank R. Seaver College of Science and Engineering
Kienan Taweil
Campus Minister
Jeffrey Thies
Clinical Associate Professor of Management and Director of the Institute for Business Ethics and Sustainability
College of Business Administration
Madhu Viswanathan
Professor of Marketing and Business Law
College of Business Administration
Julia Wade
Associate Director of Student Conduct and Community Responsibility
Leon Wiebers
Professor and Chair of Theatre Arts, and President of the Faculty Senate
College of Communication and Fine Arts
Scott Wood
Professor Emeritus of Law
Loyola Law School
Zachary Zysman
Campus Minister and Rabbi