Prayer for Workers
Prayer for Workers
May 1 is the Feast of St. Joseph the Worker, the patron of all laborers, as well as International Worker's Day. Over the past year, we have become even more aware of the crucial role of laborers, harvesters, first responders, and all essential workers in our communities during the upheaval of the global pandemic.
This year, Fr. Scott Santarosa, SJ, Provincial of the Jesuits West Province, invites us to recall in a special way essential workers and those who are most vulnerable in our nation and communities (see his message here). We also celebrate the feast together with the Sisters of St. Joseph of Orange, in honor of their patron. In what ways can you pray and act to honor and care for workers everywhere this year?
Prayer for Essential Workers During the Feast of St. Joseph the Worker
Oración por los trabajadores esenciales durante la fiesta de San José Obrero
Fr. Elias Puentes, SJ, St. Leo's and Sacred Heart Parishes, Tacoma, WA
Almighty and Loving God,
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit:
You ask us to be one in faith in times of doubt,
and one in hope in times of hopelessness,
just as you are One.
Listen to the pleas of immigrant families
who are essential workers in the labor industry of this nation.
Listen to the pleas of those who work for peace and justice in this nation
so that, together, we may provide a path to citizenship for these essential workers and their families.
We also pray that the hearts and minds of our legislators may be open,
so that they may see that it is a just cause to grant them this right.
And finally, grant all of us the grace, O Lord,
to keep united in faith, in hope, and in love throughout this struggle
so our brothers and sisters may live as one family,
in peace, without fear.
We ask this in the name of Jesus, Our Brother.
Dios Todopoderoso y Amoroso,
Padre, Hijo y Espíritu Santo:
Tú nos pides que seamos uno en la fe en tiempos de duda,
y uno en la esperanza en tiempos de desesperanza,
así como tú eres Uno.
Escuche las súplicas de las familias inmigrantes
que son trabajadores esenciales en la industria laboral de esta nación.
Escuche la súplicas de quienes trabajan por la paz y la justicia en esta nación
para que juntos podamos brindar un camino hacia la ciudadanía
para estos trabajadores esenciales y sus familias.
También oramos para que los corazones y las mentes de nuestros legisladores estén abiertos,
para que vean que es una causa justa concederles esta derecho.
Y finalmente, concédenos a todos la gracia, Señor,
de mantenernos unidos en la fe, en la esperanza y en el amor a lo largo de esta lucha
para que nuestros hermanos y hermanas vivan como una familia,
en paz, sin miedo.
Te lo pedimos en le nombre de Jesús, Nuestro Hermano.
Prayer to St. Joseph the Worker in a Time of Pandemic
Good St. Joseph,
Through your daily work,
You protected and provided for your family.
You taught your son how to work, how to rest,
How to trust in his Father’s love.
In this pandemic time,
When so many have lost their jobs,
Protect and strengthen them as they struggle to provide for their families.
For those at home in this time of crisis,
Help them balance work and family and personal needs
And patiently await a future yet unknown.
May all of us trust that we serve our dear neighbor by staying at home.
Guide those whose work outside the home is essential for all of us:
Those in health care who care for and comfort the sick;
Those who see that we are fed –
Farmers and truck drivers, grocery clerks and restaurant workers;
Those who respond to our urgent needs –
Police officers and fire fighters, all first responders;
Those who ensure healthy, safe places for us to be –
Housekeepers, janitors, sanitation workers, garbage collectors.
Encourage those whose hidden works keep our society connected --
Bankers, postal workers, communications workers.
Inspire our teachers who use new ways to reach and prepare our children for a future in which we hope.
Be with all mothers and fathers, caring friends and community members
Whose daily messages and small signs of support make this time more bearable
As we work and wait.
Ease our fears, increase our trust in our Father’s love.
Good St. Joseph the Worker,
Pray for us,
At work and at rest
In this time of pandemic.
More for Reflection
- What laborers contribute to my health, home, safety, and mobility? How do (or can) I express my gratitude for these essential workers?
- What about the example of St. Joseph the worker inspires me? How can I respond to this inspiration today?