Alleluia! Alleluia!
Alleluia! Alleluia!
The holy season of Easter celebrates resurrection, renewed life, and dawning hope. This Easter Sunday, the Office of Mission and Ministry offers prayers for abundant life and joy for you and your loved ones.
An Easter Prayer
When Lazarus stepped out of the tomb,
He was still wrapped in burial cloths—
“Unbind him,” Jesus said, “and let him go.”
What bewilderment Peter and John must have felt, then,
When they saw the linen shroud of the Lord left behind.
This was no resurrection, not as they knew it.
In that year and in this one, Jesus must have known
That we need our sorrow affirmed and embraced
Before we can enter into the possibility of hope.
He left that cloth there for us, I imagine,
To assure us that the Good Friday grief is real,
And the Easter joy therefore all the greater—
Christ unbound, so that we may also be free.
- Cameron Bellm (for the Jesuit Conference of Canada and the U.S.)
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