A Heart's Journey

A Heart's Journey


What is our heart's relationship to God, self, others, and creation? How can observing Lent help us to better understand this relationship? The Sister Storylab series from the Sisters of St. Joseph of Orange features Sister Christine Hilliard, CSJ as she invites us to reflect on the holy season of Lent and the heart's journey to renewed connection during these forty days.


Sister Christine Hilliard, CSJ has been a member of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Orange for over 50 years and currently serves as the Assistant Director of the Center for Spiritual Development in Orange, CA. For more episodes of Sister Storylab or to subscribe to the podcast, click here



More for reflection

  • Sister Hilliard notes that Lent can be an invitation to reconnect with relationships that may be strained, neglected, or broken. What relationships in my life (with God, myself, others, or creation) are in need of reconnection? 
  • How am I taking this season to "pay attention" and notice where God is present in my experience? How can I be open to what Lent has to teach me this year, with all its challenges?


For more ways to pray, reflect, and act this Lent, explore our collection of resources for Lent 2021.



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