Ignatian Year
From May 2021 until July 2022, the Society of Jesus celebrates an Ignatian Year. May 20, 2021 marks the 500th anniversary of St. Ignatius’ conversion — that fateful day when Ignatius the soldier, struck by a cannonball, began his transformation into Ignatius the pilgrim. Starting May 20 through the Feast of St. Ignatius (July 31) in 2022, Loyola Marymount University celebrates Ignatius's legacy along with members of the Ignatian family around the world.
An Invitation from Father General
A Prayer for the Ignatian Year
A prayer to celebrate the Ignatian Year from the Jesuit Conference of Canada and the United States
God of all people,
You were there when the cannonball shattered the leg of St. Ignatius, shattered his dreams, and shattered what he assumed his life would be. Even in a moment of pain and uncertainty, doubt and darkness, you spoke to Ignatius a word of peace and light. You showed him the path to you and the person he might become.
We may not be soldiers, standing in the path of a literal cannonball. And yet, we’ve been hit all the same. Cannonballs shatter our own hopes and dreams and expectations.
Like Ignatius, may we hear the compassionate voice of your Son in the aftermath of these cannonball blasts. May we seek the face of Christ even when our dreams are shattered. May we turn and follow Jesus with the courage it takes to change and grow.
As we journey through this Ignatian Year, may we be shown the path to you, God of all people, and live out our vocation, becoming the person you have invited us to be. Give us the grace to work for reconciliation every day: with you, with others and with your creation. Open our eyes so we might see all things new in Christ.
The Life of St. Ignatius of Loyola

Who was the man who we know now as St. Ignatius of Loyola? What was his life like as he grew from a young nobleman in Spain to the head of the Society of Jesus, the order he founded?
Take a guided look at the person behind the name.
Ignatian Year Hub

The worldwide Jesuit portal for all things Ignatian Year. Learn about the year, events and programs around the world, Ignatian inspiration, and much more from throughout the Ignatian family. Check back often for updates and new resources!
Journey with Ignatius

Join a community of pilgrims on the Ignatian journey to find God in all things. This app guides you on a virtual pilgrimage in the footsteps of Ignatius from his years as a young page to his final days as Superior General of the Society of Jesus. Read from Ignatius’ own writings and gain insights from Ignatian spirituality all while joining a community of prayer. Android and iOS.
In the Pilgrim's Company

To celebrate the Ignatian Year, the Jesuit Conference of Canada and the United States is launching a global Ignatian storytelling initiative entitled In the Pilgrim’s Company, taking a fresh, innovative look at St. Ignatius’ life and legacy. Storytellers the world over are called to share their ideas!